«100Revolution(s): Event. Reflexions. Post-Production » (Moscow, IUM, 08-10/11/2017) - Preview


The international media-critical conference «100Revolution(s): Event. Reflexions. Post-Production» that will be held by letterra.org  in International University in Moscow (Moscow, IUM [Centre for Mediaphilosophy], 08-10/12/2017) in the immediate aftermath of the centennial anniversary of the October’1917 Revolution will be opening for the100Revolution(s): Dictionary” project.

During the two first days of the Conference (08-09/12/2017)) will be presented 24+ concepts/cases of Revolution(s) in the frame of the work of 4 sections: “History”, “Philosophy”, “Arts”, “Media”. On the 3d day of the Conference will be performed 3 public-talks/panel discussions on such topics as “Media of Revolution(s), Revolution as Medium”; “R/Evolution: small stories vs Big Data”; “Objectivities, Subjectivities, & No-Singularity of Revolutionary Situation”, “Revolutionary Mythos & Praxis: Con-Sequences”, “New Man, Have-beens, & Last men of Post-revolutionary Times”, “De-Construction vs. Revolution” &c (the proper topics of the public-talks will be specified on the 8th-9th of November 2017 conference sessions) between participants & guests of the Conference <...>

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